Monday, January 08, 2007

Why I have been mostly absent

Dear readers of my blog -- I have been wandering lately, away from these hallowed shores. I thought I might fill you in.

First,I have been spending a lot of time looking for a new home in very first "house of my own". I have lived in or near NYC for so very many years - about 30 - that I never made the investment in a house. Lifetime apartment dwellers are pretty common out here. Plus, I think I couldn't commit to putting a root down here, but also couldn't commit to leaving.

Second, I have been swamped with holiday stuff and it threw me off writing here.

Third, I have been asked to be Contributing Editor for the Religion and Spirituality section of which is a site largely of women bloggers from around the world who blog about any and all sorts of things. They are a lively and smart group of women, and it is an honor to be asked to do this. So I have been blogging over there. I encourage you to take a peek over there if you haven't already. It is not a site just for women, although it does definitely gather woman together for perspective sharing and celebrating.

I will however be more faithful to my home blog. I need a "room of my own" so to speak. More later -- I promise.


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