Sunday, April 12, 2009

A bref interruption for an Easter Post

He is Risen!

He is Risen Indeed!

Happy Easter everyone! I just said bye-bye to the last brunch guest. It was a typical Polish Easter meal, with kielbasa, ham, eggs dyed in onion skin, etc...and for the very first time for me -- my home-made Easter lamb cake! My Mom used to make them, then my aunt, then my cousin. But this year, I made my own. It looked goofy. All lamb cakes look goofy. The point was, I made it without breaking off an ear and it frosted up well, even if the facial decorations are a bit stark. next year it will be glamorous and goofy instead of just goofy. But I did it! (this is a nerve-wracking process including cooking inside a closed cast iron mold, so you are never sure if the cake is overdone -- since the ear part is so much thinner than the body part..etc..sure, you can poke a wire down through a hole in the top of the body to see if it is done -- but you can overcook it and not know. If you worry about that and take it out too early, the middle will sag and look horrible. Anyway, when I finished it, and got it successfully out of both pans, frosted and decorated -- I shouted Halleluia!



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