Sunday, October 28, 2007


Hi folks -- sorry I have been so absent here - most of the writing has been done in my twice-weekly column on I have been too swamped and overwhelmed for much else.

I close on m-m-m-m-my house on Tuesday. I can barely say the word "my". This is such a very big deal. I have been full of joy and anxiety for weeks now. I will not officially move in for a month, as I am having some work done there that is easier to have done with me absent -- changing bathroom fixtures, pulling up yards of carpet, sanding and poly'ing floors, painting walls, and so on ...I'll be in and out as it is being done. Fortunately it is being done by people I know well.

Anyway, the prior owners are leaving the place in immaculate shape - there is not so much as a crumb in a drawer. They are also leaving some furniture which will make this next month easier - table/chairs/beds/sofa.

But I realized this past week that I need to minimally stock the house and bring bedding and brooms and such, so off I went with another list.

I am living on lists.

There is the list of things to bring to the closing

The list of things to get at Home Depot.

The list of things to pack.

The list of things to do to the new house.

The list of packing materials to get.

The list of groceries needed for the new place.

and on and on and on .

And in the midst of all this, I spent two days in Providence, Rhode Island so that I could attend the bris of the grandson (and son) of dear friends -- my extended family extraordinaire.

In the midst of all this chaos and all these plans, I found myself holding an eight day old baby boy and placing him in Elijah's Chair as he was prepared to be named Joshua Adam. That the family included me in the ritual moved me to big tears. I spend so much time feeling alone, that this reminder of the deep love in my life was like a healing balm. Oh sure, I could have been packing, or sorting -- but there is no place in the entire world I would rather have been than at that bris in Providence.

It was a valuable reminder of what really matters in life -- and that home really is where the heart is.


Blogger Jayne said...

Wow, on Tuesday! How exciting Mata! Hey, if it weren't for lists, I'd forget where my head is located. Cheers and joy to you as you prepare for this wonderful transition time.

6:22 AM  
Blogger PseudoPiskie said...

I've been following your house adventures and am praying all goes smoothly today. You will need lots of prayers continuing as well. Oh, the joys and worries and frustrations! But it's worth it.

Thought about you as I passed that little Mexican restaurant in Hightstown last week.


1:35 PM  

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