Friday, January 11, 2008

It's been a while...Moving Right Along Here

Well, I moved ..yahooooo! My computer did not make the switchover with much grace, and the local cable company refused to link with it as it had an "antiquated operating system". So, I had to buy a new computer -- this time a loverly MAC!! I've been plying catch-up ever since. So let's do that now, here as well.

I moved to Massachusetts at the tail end of a blizzard. The snow in my driveway had been plowed and was about two feet high around the yard. I was surrounded with cardboard boxes and had a friend here to help me get past the first swing of unpacking. Two days later I had a workable kitchen and a manageable bedroom and paths around the rest of the house.

Then came Christmas. More unpacking. New Years. More unpacking. Then it was time to empty the 3, count 'em THREE storage rooms that I have been renting. So just when things actually semed to be taking shape here, I moved in the monsterous load of things from storage. Most of it is Ebay-food, which is the point of saving it. But now my basement, my large back room and a small storage room have gone from pristine to packed, and I still have to settle the livingroom with a combination of mine and the family furniture. It will be fun, it is just taking a while. I do look forward to the day when my day will not be "about the move'. That won't happen for a while, so I am doing my best to savor the steps in the process.

Yesterday, when my garbage disposal backed up and flooded my double sink, turning my kitchen counter into a version of Niagra Falls, was not among the best days. I found a good and fair plumber who fixed the blockage today..and all the problems it was connected to...and who took away the garbage disposal. I am better off without it. I'll compost now.

So things are taking shape and adjustments are getting made as my new life starts to form.

I love that friends have already just stopped by, that I ran into someone I knew from childhood who was taking a walk past my house yesterday, that another old friend has come over to help a few times --- and suddenly I am aware that I moved into a functioning community with people here that I care about who also care about me. It is a lovely feeling, lovely indeed.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mata - you have been missed! Glad you are back.


11:26 AM  
Blogger Beth said...

So glad to read this post and hear of your life over the past few weeks. I've missed you!

Congrats on the Mac and the new community you have found. What a joy!

(p.s. You describe it well, but I'd love to see some pictures of all you've recounted here....)

11:33 AM  
Blogger Jayne said...

Sure have missed you and have wondered how things are going! Glad to hear you are getting all settled in and that you are already being graced and blessed by old friends coming by. Love and hugs to you dear friend!

8:05 AM  
Blogger nijjhar said...

Hi Brother,

I have produced almost 100 Videos on Youtube rendering exposition of the Parables of the Bible.

Let us propagate Gospel as the End Time is approaching.

Link to Videos at the bottom.

Ch. Rajinder Nijjhar, M.Sc.
Retired Senior Lecturer in Metallurgy
Remember that the "Chosen People" are the demonstration Nation of the world.
For teaching us the moral laws, they are called a Nation of Priests.
We should appreciate their sacrifices but their
blind guides led them into the Pits of Holocausts.
Christ Jesus came among them but their
Rabbis loved Mammon than God.
John, the Baptist, Prophet Elijah lived in Jungle
eating honey and locusts with no love of Mammon.
Messianic Jews who display Menorah with
the Middle Candle of God at par with others
are hypocrites worse than the blind guides.
Twice-born people of "spirit", common sense, psychic, generally go for the following of the blind.
Twice-born who are predestined to serve God, pneumatic,
become solitary through the taste of Gospel Truth.

More you spend "His Treasures", preach Gospel, more you please Father to receive more.

SACH (truth) is bitter but it leads you to heaven
whilst SATT (Gospel Truth) is extremely bitter but it leads you to ANAND/Salvation.

Falsehoods or KOORRS are extremely sweet, MAKHAEON MITHHA,
sweeter than honey, but they lead you to Hell.

Scriptures + holy spirit (common sense) = Gospel

For articles on sister Christian and Sikh communities, visit: -


6:28 AM  
Blogger Rhea said...

So, you live in Mass? I live in Boston. I would like to trade links with you, as I 'collect' baby boomer blogs.

3:48 PM  

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