Thursday, November 01, 2007

Well, it almost worked

I was driving to Massachusetts to close on my house. When I got to the town, I called the friends where I was staying -- they said my realtor had called and wanted me to call her back -- no message. This did not sound good. I pulled the car into a parking area and called her on my cell.

I -- like 70% of all Americans -- used a mortgage broker to find me a mortgage. My broker was a respectable operation with multiple office in the state. Allegedly, one of the principals of the main office in the group (not the one I was using) did something they weren't supposed to do and the state levied a "Cease and Desist" order for all offices in the group while they investigated,with instructions that any banks dealing with this company that had approved mortgages in the pipeline should just go ahead and fulfill the mortgages. All the banks did that -- except for the bank my mortgage was going to be with --- they did not fulfill any of their mortgages and backed out of all pending deals because of the Cease and Desist.

So there I was at the 11th hour. No mortgage. I spent the next day in Massachusetts rounding up what I needed to do to get this all rolling again. It should take a week or two to get another mortgage. I went ahead and put my money in escrow for the house at my attorney's. The seller agreed to wait, as I am obviously mortgage worthy and this debacle is not my fault. My attorney said that in 30 years of being in the biz he has never seen anything like this.

Oh goodie. I am unique.

I am now just going on faith that it will work out. I don't think that everything happens for a reason -- thank God -- or I would be cranky at God right now. As it is, I am just asking Him to help me slide into my new life with less drama. I am working on staying calm. Either that or I am beyond stress -- into some kind of nether region where all is well. Either way, I am doing fine, and just putting one foot in front of the other. I went out and bought linens for the guest bedroom in the new house, and a new coffee maker for the house. It is rather a faith statement.

So this delays contractor work, throws off my schedule, nixes my move date -- oh well, Life is a Cabaret, old chum. Come to the caaaa...baaaaaaaaret.


Blogger Jayne said...

It's just an odd time in the housing market all together. So sorry this hiccup happened when you were soooo close. I just know things will work out. Hugs from here.

10:04 AM  

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